Results for 'David P. Borden'

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  1.  16
    Innovative Policies under Bloomberg's ‘New’ Public Health.David P. Borden - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (1):6-7.
    The third of five commentaries on “Bloomberg's Health Legacy: Urban Innovator or Meddling Nanny?” from the September‐October 2013.
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    'An Aristocracy of Exalted Spirits': The Idea of the Church in Newman's Tamworth Reading Room by David P. Delio.David P. Deavel - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (1):78-80.
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  3. The Logic of Leviathan. The Moral and Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes.David P. Gauthier - 1971 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (4):293-296.
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    Moral Dealing: Contract, Ethics, and Reason.David P. Gauthier - 1990 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    David Gauthier is one of the most outstanding and influential philosophers working in moral theory today, and his book Morals by Agreement has established him as a preeminent defender of contractarian moral theory. This volume brings together a selection of his best essays on contractarianism, many of which have become difficult to find.
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  5. Morals by agreement.David P. Gauthier - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is morality rational? In this book Gauthier argues that moral principles are principles of rational choice. He proposes a principle whereby choice is made on an agreed basis of cooperation, rather than according to what would give an individual the greatest expectation of value. He shows that such a principle not only ensures mutual benefit and fairness, thus satisfying the standards of morality, but also that each person may actually expect greater utility by adhering to morality, even though the choice (...)
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    Buddhist biology: ancient Eastern wisdom meets modern Western science.David P. Barash - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A science sutra -- Non-self (Anatman) -- Impermanence (Anitya) -- Connectedness (Pratitya-Samutpada) -- Engagement, part 1 (Dukkha) -- Engagement, part 2 (Karma) -- Meaning (existential Biobuddhism?).
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    The age of biology: When plant physiology was in the center of American life science.David P. D. Munns - 2021 - History of Science 59 (4):492-521.
    For much of the twentieth century, plant physiologists considered themselves in an ideal position to study and explain the functions and processes of plants. Much of that authority stemmed from plant physiologists’ long-standing commitment to experimental control and the integration of the physical sciences into biological practice. This article places plant physiology back in the center of the story of the recent life sciences. It shows the development of parallel experimental research programs into environmental as well as genetic effects on (...)
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    Psychoanalytic Studies of Creativity, Greed and Fine Art: Making Contact with the Self.David P. Levine - 2015 - Routledge.
    Throughout the history of psychoanalysis, the study of creativity and fine art has been a special concern. _Psychoanalytic Studies of Creativity, Greed and Fine Art: Making Contact with the Self_ makes a distinct contribution to the psychoanalytic study of art by focusing attention on the relationship between creativity and greed. This book also focuses attention on factors in the personality that block creativity, and examines the matter of the self and its ability to be present and exist as the essential (...)
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    Gender stratification in the science pipeline: A comparative analysis of seven countries.David P. Baker, Maryellen Schaub & Sandra L. Hanson - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (3):271-290.
    This study uses a “science pipeline” model and cross-national data to examine women's participation in science education and occupations in seven countries. Gender stratification in later science education and in science occupations is found in every country examined. Young women's participation in science education decreases with each stage in the science pipeline, but there is considerable cross-national variation in the extent of gender stratification in science. Findings show greater gender stratification in science occupations than in science education, suggesting factors other (...)
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  10. Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry.David P. Setran & Chris A. Kiesling - 2013
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    The meaning of Moscow:“Non-lethal” weapons and international law in the early 21st century.David P. Fidler - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  12. Rule-Utilitarianism and Randomization.David P. Gauthier - 1965 - Analysis 25 (3):68 - 69.
  13.  78
    The Problem of The Formal Charges In Plato’s Apology.David P. Gontar - 1978 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 27:89-101.
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    In search of behavioral individuality.David P. Barash - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (2):153-169.
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    The Capacity for Ethical Conduct: On Psychic Existence and the Way We Relate to Others.David P. Levine - 2012 - Routledge.
    What is the root cause of ethical failure? Why is preoccupation with ethics more a part of the problem than a part of the solution? What makes ethical conduct a natural expression of who we are? What enables us to be ourselves in our relations with others? Ethical failure has become a significant concern in public life, in organizations and in educational institutions. The Capacity for Ethical Conduct explores how qualities of character and personality either make ethical conduct possible for (...)
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    Thoughts on Time, Space and Existence.David P. Abbott - 1906 - The Monist 16 (3):433-450.
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    (1 other version)How decisions are caused.David P. Gauthier - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (5):147-151.
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    What the Torture Debate Reveals about American Evangelical Christianity.David P. Gushee - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):79-97.
    THE DISCOVERY OF DETAINEE ABUSE AT ABU GHRAIB IN 2004 FOLLOWED by the gradual disclosure or release of government documents signaling that decisive policy shifts by the U.S. government led directly to such abuses contributed to a dispiriting national debate about the morality of torture—a debate that continues today. An ongoing fracture between competing social-political-ethical visions in the evangelical world has been revealed and further exacerbated by this debate over torture. Politically conservative evangelicals restrict their policy engagement to issues such (...)
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  19.  30
    Zeitgenössischer Faschismus – eine philosophische Diagnose und Intervention?David P. Schweikard - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (4):720-727.
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  20. Spencer's Ethics of Equal Freedom.David P. Weinstein - 1988 - Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University
    This study examines Herbert Spencer's social and political thought by way of his principle of equal freedom. This principle reads, "The liberty of each, limited by the like liberty of each, is the rule in conformity with which society must be organized." ;Basically, this study attempts to demonstrate that Spencer was first and foremost an indirect utilitarian and that equal freedom was the central moral rule of his indirect utilitarianism. An attempt is also made to show how Spencer conceived moral (...)
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  21.  38
    Encoding Categorical and Coordinate Spatial Relations Without Input‐Output Correlations: New Simulation Models.David P. Baker, Christopher F. Chabris & Stephen M. Kosslyn - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (1):33-51.
    Cook (1995) criticized Kosslyn, Chabris, Marsolek & Koenig's (1992) network simulation models of spatial relations encoding in part because the absolute position of a stimulus in the input array was correlated with its spatial relation to a landmark; thus, on at least some trials, the networks did not need to compute spatial relations. The network models reported here include larger input arrays, which allow stimuli to appear in a large range of locations with an equal probability of being above or (...)
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    (1 other version)Contemplative Psychology.David P. Killen, Hans F. de Wit & Marie Louise Baird - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:280.
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    Postmodern Interviews in Business Ethics.David P. Schmidt - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (3):279-284.
    My objective is to extend Ronald Green’s account of postmodernism by asking how postmodern ethicists should interview business people. I note the use of the interview method in current business ethics research. I then present Jeffrey Stout’s criticism of Robert Bellah’s interview techniques used in Habits of the Heart, which prompts questions about what constitutes a postmodern interview. In conclusion I seek clarification about whether and in what sense Ron Green intends to be a “foundationalist postmodern business ethicist.”.
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    Ritual, stories, and the poetics of a journey home among latino catholics.David P. Sandell - 2009 - Anthropology of Consciousness 20 (1):53-80.
    This essay centers on a storyteller's performance of ritual in stories to draw associations between the life of the Biblical Mary with her son Jesus and the subjectivities and dispositions of people living in impoverished conditions. The storyteller explores these subjectivities and dispositions, characterizing the exploration as a journey. She also defines an ethical position where the self meets otherness—both sacred and cultural—to engender positive human relations. The essay combines the storyteller's performance with the author's to reproduce the effects, advance (...)
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    The Two Sacraments Doctrine as a Factor in Synoptic Relationships.David P. Scaer - 1989 - Philosophy and Theology 3 (3):205-222.
    I argue that baptism and the Lord’s supper were two closely connected and central notions for the Gospel authors. The way in which baptism was connected to forgiveness also provides clues to interdependencies among the Gospel narratives. Following summary examination of the doctrines in Matthew and Paul, I conclude that Mark and John provide a fully developed doctrine of the two sacraments.
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    Die Sozialität intentionaler Einstellungen.David P. Schweikard - 2014 - In Karl Mertens & Jörn Müller, Die Dimension des Sozialen: Neue Philosophische Zugänge Zu Fühlen, Wollen Und Handeln. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 245-260.
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    Patterns of argument in business ethics.David P. Schmidt - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (6):501 - 509.
    De George's account of philosophical and theological approaches to business ethics presupposes a particular view of the logic of argumentation. This paper presents an alternative model for describing arguments that has been suggested by Stephen Toulmin. It uses this model to qualify De George's claim that philosophers are justified in their indifference to the work of theologians in business ethics.Consider what you think justice requires, and decide accordingly. But never give your reasons; for your judgment will probably be right, but (...)
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  28.  52
    „You'll Never Walk Alone”. Gemeinsames Handeln und soziale Relationen.David P. Schweikard - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (3):425-440.
    Ein zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse der Theorie gemeinsamen Handelns liegt in der Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen gemeinsam Handelnden. In diesem Beitrag wird dafür argumentiert, diese Beziehungen als ontologische Beziehungen aufzufassen, insofern sie für die Verwirklichung genuin sozialer Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten individueller Akteure konstitutiv sind. Diese Position des sozialen Externalismus wird als Kritik und Erweiterung von Michael Bratmans Theorie gemeinsamen Handelns entwickelt.
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    Searching for unity: Real-world versus item-based visual search in age-related eye disease.David P. Crabb & Deanna J. Taylor - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Kundalini: The Energy of the DepthsThe Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir.David P. Lawrence, Lilian Silburn, Jacques Gontier & Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (3):413.
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    The Reformation and Eastern Slovakia.David P. Daniel - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (2):172-186.
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    Women Priests—The Theological Imperative.David P. Davies - 1992 - Feminist Theology 1 (1):89-93.
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    The contemporary U.s. Torture debate in Christian historical perspective.David P. Gushee - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (4):589-597.
    The U.S. turn toward torture tested the moral resources of all faiths, but perhaps especially of Christianity, which has the greatest number of adherents in the United States. This moral crucible revealed that American Christian scholars and leaders were generally blind to the resources available in relation to the resources available to address torture in a study of scripture, early Christian experience under empire, Christian abuses of suspected heretics, and the just war theory, all of which are considered here. Uses (...)
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    The Kingdom of God, Hope and Christian Ethics.David P. Gushee & Codi D. Norred - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (1):3-16.
    This article interrogates the use of a Kingdom-of-God narrative frame, in the work both of progressive evangelicals Glen Stassen and David Gushee ( Kingdom Ethics) and in liberation theology, claiming that this narrative has often inspired hope and moral action but can be questioned on a variety of theological and methodological grounds. It considers startling recent claims by liberation ethicist Miguel De la Torre that all talk of a coming Kingdom of God is mythic, a middle-class illusion that undermines (...)
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  35. The Sleeper Awakes: Gnosis and Authenticity in The Matrix.David P. Hunt - 2007 - In Faith, Film, and Philosophy: Big Ideas on the Big Screen. Downers Grove, IL, USA: InterVarsity Press. pp. 89-105.
    I first argue that the Matrix trilogy is a Gnostic cyber-epic; I then use this interpretive lens to review the films' treatment of fundamental questions in epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory.
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    Virtue, Objectivity, and the Character of the Education Researcher.David P. Burns, Colin L. Piquette & Stephen P. Norris - 2009 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 18 (1):60-68.
    In his 1993 book, Hare asks “What Makes a Good Teacher?” In this paper we ask, “What makes a good education researcher?” We begin our discussion with Richard Rudner's classic 1953 essay, The Scientist Qua Scientist Makes Value Judgments, which confronted science with the internal subjectivity it had long ignored. Rudner's bold claim that scientists do make value judgments as scientists called attention to the very foundations of scientific conduct. In an era of institutional research ethics, like the Tri-Council’s ethics (...)
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  37. Vision and movement mechanisms in the cerebral cortex.David P. Carey - 1997 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1 (6):237-237.
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    Transcendence and Film: Cinematic Encounters with the Real.David P. Nichols (ed.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, ten experts in philosophy of film explore the importance of transcendence for cinema as an art form in the films of the great directors, David Cronenberg, Karl Theodor Dreyer, Federico Fellini, Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Terrence Malick, Yasujiro Ozu, and Martin Scorsese.
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    The Velocity of Information: Human Thinking During Chaotic Times.David P. Perrodin - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Uneven and unequal people-centered development: the case of Fair Trade and Malawi sugar producers.David P. Phillips - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):563-576.
    This paper advances critical Fair Trade literature by exploring reasons for and lessons from uneven and unequal lived experiences of Fairtrade certification. Fieldwork was conducted in 2007 and 2008 to explore views and develop interpretations from various actors directly and indirectly participating in a Fairtrade certified sugar organization in Malawi. By exploring an embedded social and political context in a production place, and challenging assumptions and expectations of a Fair Trade community empowerment approach, research reveals intended and unintended consequences since (...)
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  41.  27
    Christian Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect.David P. Gushee - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):3-20.
    This SCE presidential address attempts an interpretation of the history of American Christian ethics that is simultaneously an intellectual autobiography. Seven types of Christian ethics receive attention: ecclesial-formational, Protestant social ethics, Niebuhrian, Catholic, evangelical, Hauerwasian, and liberationist. The discipline is described as methodologically fractured and professionally endangered, especially in the case of its founding strand, Protestant social ethics. The essay ends with a call for mutual respect and support among Christian ethicists, sustained attention to one another’s work, and shared efforts (...)
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    The unity of wisdom and temperance.David P. Gauthier - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions THE UNITY OF WISDOM AND TEMPERANCE The attempt of Socrates to establish the unity of the virtues has long been an object of philosophic suspicion. Particular attention has been directed to the argument at Protagoras 332a-333b, in which Socrates seeks to demonstrate the unity of wisdom and temperance, by showing that they must be identified as the contrary of folly. The argument proceeds on the assumption (...)
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  43.  16
    Depending on strangers: freedom, memory, and the unknown self.David P. Levine - 2021 - Oxfordshire: Phoenix Publishing House.
    In this book, David Levine explores the unknown self. The unknown self is the self existing as a potential to become something yet to be determined. The shape our personalities and life experiences take depends on a process. At the outset of this process, the self is, in a sense, a stranger; both to us and to others. The more this is the case, the greater the openness of the process of self-formation to a kind of freedom, which is (...)
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    Reflection on Exaptation—More Missing Terms.David P. Stump - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (1):15-17.
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  45. UPDATE-Comment-Response-What's right about the neural organization of sign language? A perspective on recent neuroimaging results.David P. Corina, Helen J. Neville & Daphne Bavelier - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (12):468-470.
  46.  62
    (1 other version)Aquinas’s Impediment Argument for the Spirituality of the Human Intellect.David P. Lang - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 11 (1):107-124.
  47.  7
    In the fray: contesting Christian public ethics, 1994-2013.David P. Gushee - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    In the Fray collects David Gushee's most significant essays over twenty years as a Christian intellectual. Most of the essays were written in situations of ethical conflict on the highly contested ground of Christian public ethics. Topics addressed include torture, climate change, marriage and divorce, the treatment of gays and lesbians in the church, war, genocide, nuclear weapons, race, global poverty, faith and politics, Israel/Palestine, and even whether Christian ethics is a real academic discipline. Quite visible in the collection (...)
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    Kollektives Erinnern und die Persistenz kollektiver Akteure.David P. Schweikard - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (2):11-42.
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    Measuring sociosexuality across people and nations: Revisiting the strengths and weaknesses of cross-cultural sex research.David P. Schmitt - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):297-304.
    My response to the commentaries highlights three main points. First, the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI) has demonstrated adequate reliability and validity across dozens of studies, and it deserves its reputation as a useful measure of basic human mating strategies. Second, the sampling limitations of the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP) do not negate the conclusion that sex differences in sociosexuality are likely universal across cultures. Third, the ISDP results support several theories of human sexuality, although some are based on faulty (...)
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    Scientists and citizens: getting to quantum technologies.David P. DiVincenzo - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):247-251.
    I will discuss the history and prospects for new machines and instruments as anticipated in the newly announced EU Flagship for Quantum Technology. The program of Richard Feynman, as announced almost 60 years ago, to go to the “bottom” in the miniaturization of information-processing technology, has come to fruition, and a set of well-defined technologies, in the areas of quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum sensing and metrology, and quantum communication, have emerged. I give a perspective on the sometimes abstruse significance (...)
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